53 Career Guidance Tips for Women
"A career is not just about earning an income. It is about pursuing the essence of your life." - TerryAs women in the 21st century, we have the distinct advantage of having more career opportunities available to us than our mothers, grandmothers, or great grandmothers.
We should take advantage of these opportunities.
According to Forbes, women now make up the majority of university students, including those at the graduate level.
Additionally, we are seeing more and more women becoming CEOs in the Fortune 500 companies.
However, as far as we have come since the early days of women’s liberation, women still face unique difficulties in navigating the workplace, which can negatively influence performance, opportunities for advancement, and can even push a woman’s professional goal beyond reach.
Gender Differences:
The cold, hard truth is that men and women are viewed differently in the business world, often to the detriment of those of the feminine gender.
Why, one might ask?
One explanation is that women, in general, prefer to maintain the status quo, rather than making waves, and this tendency to avoid attracting attention to themselves can translate into fewer promotions, opportunities, and perhaps most importantly, a lack of respect in the workplace.
“The secret of getting ahead is getting started”. –
Now that we have discussed the drawbacks of being a woman in the workplace, we will also discuss the advantages you have as a woman.
It is to your advantage that women are traditionally less expensive to hire. This gives you an added advantage against men, as a company might be more likely to hire you, giving you the opportunity to prove your worth by becoming indispensable in your company.
Career Building Tips for Making the Most of Your Career
Find a Mentor
“The question isn’t who’s going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me”. - Ayn Rand.
The following are 53 career-building tips that you can use to advance your career quickly and more easily. Read through each point and decide what you are already doing well, what needs improvement, and what you really need to work on to improve your image, character and your relationships at work.

53 career advices
1. Finding a mentor
2. Maintain goodwill in the relationship
3. Keep your career expectation high
4. Is gossip at work good?
5. Stay focused
6. Be honest
No legacy is so rich as Honesty. ~ William Shakespeare
Being honest, in every situation, is the mark of a reputable and trustworthy person. When you lie, people always know, whether consciously or unconsciously. Remember, it is always easier to tell the truth than to remember a web of lies. Here is a great article "The Vital Importance of Being Honest in the Workplace"by Dr.Mala .
7. Remain above the fray
Maintaining an air of aloofness is not always easy, but keeping yourself out of office politics and infighting will help you keep your integrity and professional image. Remaining neutral and positive is your best move when petty arguments arise.
8. Keep learning
The difference between those who are successful and those who are not, is that those who are successful never stop learning. They don’t go home and plop down in front of the TV; they read a book. They don’t spend the weekend puttering around the house; they go to lectures and conventions.
If you think you know everything you need to know, then you are already at the place you want to be in your career. If that is not true, then you need to keep learning and adding to your skill base to continue to advance.
9. Cultivate curiosity
Knowing where you want to go in life can help you see your many weaknesses that stillneed cultivating. Maybe you need to improve your speaking and presentation skills, or maybe you need to become a better relationship builder. No matter what you lack, create and unquenchable thirst for being your best, and start seeking out opportunities to improve your skills and talents.
10. Be an active listener
Most people think of what they are going to say next while the other person talks. But highly effective people are active listeners. Make an effort to really focus on what the other person is saying, and try to understand everything they are conveying to you.
11. Be positive
No one likes a person who is always dwelling on the negative, and negative people rarely find their way to the top. Why? Because negative people don’t believe that success is possible, so they don’t have a reason to try or to find a way through tough situations.
A positive attitude will carry you through when times are tough, which makes it essential for success.
12. Master small talk
Master the art of small talk. Interact with coworkers in a relaxed and open manner.
13. Be persistent
If you do not succeed, try again and keep up hope for success.
14. Be expressive
Your face can reveal a lot about what you are thinking; be cautious and havethat at the back of your mind.
15. Be honorable
Do not play die hard with competitors.
16. Be patient
Patience will serve you well in nearly any business transaction.
17. Do not give in to regret
Learn to convert problems into opportunities.
18. Wake early
Be ready to face the day before you get to work.
19. Meditate daily
A clear mind is imperative for getting ahead.
20. Exercise often
A healthy body is essential to a healthy mind.
21. Walk daily
A 30 minutes walk helps to keep you centered and focused.
22. Sleep well
Getting enough sleep is a good way to reduce stress and avoid illness.
23. Be happy
Being satisfied with your current job can help you advance more quickly.
24. Keep your personal lifetidy
Problems in your home life can bleed into your work.
25. Dress for success
Choose clothing that is appropriate for your workplace.
26. Have a goal
Setting goals is important; be ready to change your goals, if necessary.
27. Take action
Do not be afraid to pursue any opportunity.
28. Motivate yourself with small changes
Small achievements give you motivation for larger changes.
29. Refine your skills
Industries change; you must be prepared to change with them.
30. Gather input
Talk to friends and colleagues and find out what they would change about you.
31. Take criticism well
Be willing to take criticism and change accordingly
32. Do not be emotional
Rely on logic and remove emotion from the equation.
33. Understand the word “no”
Do not be afraid to say it; be able to hear it.
34. Be creative
Learn to think outside the box.
35. Do not try to please everyone
There will always be some opposition to your ideas.
36. Be fashionable
Cultivate a classy, elegant style; do not be outdated.
37. Learn to network
Networking is one of the most powerful tools available to you.
As Julie Winkle says “Today, the lines between mentoring and networking are blurring, welcome to the world of networking.”
38. Leave ego out of it
Do not make hasty decisions based on your ego.
39. Do not complain
Complaining does not solve anything; take appropriate action instead.
40. Volunteer
When something needs to be done, make yourself available.
41. Disagree privately
Do not disagree with a supervisor in front of others; do it privately.
42.Negotiate well
Do not be afraid to negotiate; learn to do it well and often.
43. Build your own style
Do your work in a way that works well for you.
44. Build your brand
Draw attention to your contributions.
45.Handle money wisely
Good credit is essential for a good job.
46. Be genuine
Show warmth when dealing with others.
47. Identify the decision maker
Know who you should be working with and work closely with them.
48. Know your prospective employer
Understand their requirements and strive to meet them.
49. Learn to live with uncertainty
Sometimes, circumstances can be unpredictable. Always be prepared.
50. Take vacations
Annual vacations refresh your mind and revive flagging energies.
51. Plan your legacy
Be prepared for entrepreneurship and plan a proper legacy.
52. Build a viable team
Your team should be supportive and cohesive.
53. Be a high performer not a workaholic
Put 100% of your time at the right time & deliver with high quality
Be Bold – Take Action!
Anne Sweeney, a well-known American executive, once said, “Define success by your own terms, achieves it by your own rules, and build a life you’re proud to live.”
There is no easy way to becoming a success. It takes hard work, lots of time and a firm understanding of how to implement the tips contained here. I invite you to bookmark this page, leave your comments and check back often; I will be discussing each of these tips in detail in future posts.
2. Maintain goodwill in the relationship
3. Keep your career expectation high
4. Is gossip at work good?
5. Stay focused
6. Be honest
No legacy is so rich as Honesty. ~ William Shakespeare
Being honest, in every situation, is the mark of a reputable and trustworthy person. When you lie, people always know, whether consciously or unconsciously. Remember, it is always easier to tell the truth than to remember a web of lies. Here is a great article "The Vital Importance of Being Honest in the Workplace"by Dr.
7. Remain above the fray
Maintaining an air of aloofness is not always easy, but keeping yourself out of office politics and infighting will help you keep your integrity and professional image. Remaining neutral and positive is your best move when petty arguments arise.
8. Keep learning
The difference between those who are successful and those who are not, is that those who are successful never stop learning. They don’t go home and plop down in front of the TV; they read a book. They don’t spend the weekend puttering around the house; they go to lectures and conventions.
If you think you know everything you need to know, then you are already at the place you want to be in your career. If that is not true, then you need to keep learning and adding to your skill base to continue to advance.
9. Cultivate curiosity
Knowing where you want to go in life can help you see your many weaknesses that still
10. Be an active listener
Most people think of what they are going to say next while the other person talks. But highly effective people are active listeners. Make an effort to really focus on what the other person is saying, and try to understand everything they are conveying to you.
11. Be positive
No one likes a person who is always dwelling on the negative, and negative people rarely find their way to the top. Why? Because negative people don’t believe that success is possible, so they don’t have a reason to try or to find a way through tough situations.
A positive attitude will carry you through when times are tough, which makes it essential for success.
12. Master small talk
Master the art of small talk. Interact with coworkers in a relaxed and open manner.
13. Be persistent
If you do not succeed, try again and keep up hope for success.
14. Be expressive
Your face can reveal a lot about what you are thinking; be cautious and have
15. Be honorable
Do not play die hard with competitors.
16. Be patient
Patience will serve you well in nearly any business transaction.
17. Do not give in to regret
Learn to convert problems into opportunities.
18. Wake early
Be ready to face the day before you get to work.
19. Meditate daily
A clear mind is imperative for getting ahead.
20. Exercise often
A healthy body is essential to a healthy mind.
21. Walk daily
A 30 minutes walk helps to keep you centered and focused.
22. Sleep well
Getting enough sleep is a good way to reduce stress and avoid illness.
23. Be happy
Being satisfied with your current job can help you advance more quickly.
24. Keep your personal life
Problems in your home life can bleed into your work.
25. Dress for success
Choose clothing that is appropriate for your workplace.
26. Have a goal
Setting goals is important; be ready to change your goals, if necessary.
27. Take action
Do not be afraid to pursue any opportunity.
28. Motivate yourself with small changes
Small achievements give you motivation for larger changes.
29. Refine your skills
Industries change; you must be prepared to change with them.
30. Gather input
Talk to friends and colleagues and find out what they would change about you.
31. Take criticism well
Be willing to take criticism and change accordingly
32. Do not be emotional
Rely on logic and remove emotion from the equation.
33. Understand the word “no”
Do not be afraid to say it; be able to hear it.
34. Be creative
Learn to think outside the box.
35. Do not try to please everyone
There will always be some opposition to your ideas.
36. Be fashionable
Cultivate a classy, elegant style; do not be outdated.
37. Learn to network
Networking is one of the most powerful tools available to you.
As Julie Winkle says “Today, the lines between mentoring and networking are blurring, welcome to the world of networking.”
38. Leave ego out of it
Do not make hasty decisions based on your ego.
39. Do not complain
Complaining does not solve anything; take appropriate action instead.
40. Volunteer
When something needs to be done, make yourself available.
41. Disagree privately
Do not disagree with a supervisor in front of others; do it privately.
Do not be afraid to negotiate; learn to do it well and often.
43. Build your own style
Do your work in a way that works well for you.
44. Build your brand
Draw attention to your contributions.
Good credit is essential for a good job.
46. Be genuine
Show warmth when dealing with others.
47. Identify the decision maker
Know who you should be working with and work closely with them.
48. Know your prospective employer
Understand their requirements and strive to meet them.
49. Learn to live with uncertainty
Sometimes, circumstances can be unpredictable. Always be prepared.
50. Take vacations
Annual vacations refresh your mind and revive flagging energies.
51. Plan your legacy
Be prepared for entrepreneurship and plan a proper legacy.
52. Build a viable team
Your team should be supportive and cohesive.
53. Be a high performer not a workaholic
Put 100% of your time at the right time & deliver with high quality
Be Bold – Take Action!
Anne Sweeney, a well-known American executive, once said, “Define success by your own terms, achieves it by your own rules, and build a life you’re proud to live.”
There is no easy way to becoming a success. It takes hard work, lots of time and a firm understanding of how to implement the tips contained here. I invite you to bookmark this page, leave your comments and check back often; I will be discussing each of these tips in detail in future posts.