Sunday, 2 August 2015

become a content writer

"Keep Away From People Who Belittle Your Ambitions" - Mark Twain

To become a content writer, you need to need to write awesome content quickly and  avoid some basic mistakes. Here, I will share with  you secrets to become a five figure freelance content  writer and get high paying gigs  outside content mills.

5 Must Have Skills To Stay Popular As Content  Writer

1. Identify and select an in demand topic which is trending or create a new angle to an evergreen content. And you need to write for your perfect reader. 

2. Do an indepth research to make your awesome content an unique content. You have to follow the advice of Hungarian physicist Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, who said: “Research is to see what everybody else has seen, and to think what NOBODY else has thought.” Your job is to identify that topic or specific angle on a subject never-before explored–and expose it. Content curation is another strategy to create original content.

3. You need to add probing commentary and analysis to make your content more valuable. One of my favorite examples of probing commentary is from the Anthony Burgess’ book The Clockwork Orange. This nightmare vision of the future questions the meaning of freedom, good and evil, violence and redemption.

4. Create your own voice and style. This will differentiate you from other writers. Don't afraid to ask unusual question. We consume online content differently, so as content creators, you have to write online content differently. Create visual content for better engagement with your readers.

5. Create your tribe using social media, listen what they are asking and provide answers to their questions. This fan followers will create a ever expanding brand for you.

How To Write Fast: 8 Secrets To Better, Quicker Content Creation

In this video I'll share 8 secrets for how you can learn to write faster and still create the highest quality content.

 1. Take a look at your internal dialog before you do anything and really look at the story you are telling yourself about the things you want to change.  For example, never say that you are a slow writer.

2. The two questions you need to ask yourself before writing so that you can reverse engineer your content and get your readers the results they are looking for. While creating this video I thought what will be your takeaway from this video.

3. How you can organize all of your ideas in one place so you can write faster. You can use onenote, Evernote, google docs.

4. The importance of keeping things short and sweet. The secret is to be valuable and persuasive.
5. Why you need to stop everything and create an editorial calendar before writing another word.
6. Why trying to complete the entire writing process at one time won't help you write faster.
7. Work expands to the time allotted...if you want to write faster you need to set a time limit.
8. Be the vessel, not the source. Allow quality content to come through you and take the pressure off yourself by realizing you're not doing this alone.

The 5 mistakes to avoid becoming a successful content writer

1. Not building relationships with fellow freelance writers, editors
2. Instead of letting rejection crush you, be strengthened by rejection. Rejection is a normal part of the writing process. So, remind yourself of this fact every single time that you receive a rejection.
3. Not having your own website showcasing your portfolio.
4. Working for content mills with lower pay.
5. Not Treating Your Writing As a Business

Whether you're a freelance writer, an author a journalist or some other kind of word wrangler, your end goal is likely to make money,  Keep a detailed record of all your expenses and income, Being meticulous about this will help your tax accountant to help you.

Visit become a content writer  and download your guide on 10 tips to get high paying clients

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